wife of two men

Alexia Shrout is a woman who maintains a unique relationship by living with her two husbands, Doug Shrout and Jacob Shrout-Mchaffie, and their three children in Maumee, Ohio.

Alexia, who works as a professional driller, relates that she had an open relationship with Doug when she met Jacob, whom she later realized was falling in love.

  She confided in her husband about her crush, to which Doug replied, "Let's see if we can make this work." They had already dated two other women before Jacob arrived.

Despite everyone sleeping in the same bed, Doug and Jacob are straight and have no intimate relationship with each other.

This type of relationship is called polyandry when it comes to a woman with more than one partner.

Doug said, "While we have another man in our relationship, there is no sexual desire on my part towards him," while Jacob adds that it is not necessary to have sex with him to show him love.
